Would you like to hear what other people are saying about Suited?

The Roll Playing Guys (RollPG13) Reviews Suited


High Level Games Blog interviews Ted and Erin


Cannibal Halfling Gaming: The Independents review Suited


The Fate of Isen Crew uses Suited for their Actual Play Campaign: Jeff & Simon's Big Adventure

Download the Episodes Here!

An Actual Play stream hosted by the Rook & Rasp Twitch channel!

Watch it here on Youtube!

The Fate of Isen Crew playtests Suited!

Download the Episodes Here!

The amazing team at Massive Damage Adventures & Skyhammer Press reviewed and ran a Post-Apocalypse one shot with a VERY unexpected twist ending:


The uproarious team at Action Boys Podcast (@MoistBoysPod) played a slightly adult game of Band Van with a bit of a DnD twist, which we loved and can't wait to finish! :
